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arias Fabrik für Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH

Am Winkelstück 12
58239 Schwerte (Ruhr)
Fon: +49-2304-97112-0
Fax: +49-2304-97112-22
Mail: info(at)arias.de

Managing Director:
Thomas Muchowski

Authorized Officer:
Dietmar Schellknecht

DE 12 48 88 364

Amtsgericht Hagen

Court of jurisdiction:
Landgericht Hagen

We put the information at your disposal
without any warranty or representation neither explicit nor implicit.
Also excluded are all implicit guarantees concerning commercial
capacity, suitability for specific purposes or the non-violation of
laws and patents. Even if we assume that the information we give are
correct, there may be mistakes or inaccuracies. On our web sites you
will find links to other sites. We would like to point out that we do
not have any influence on the design and content of the linked sites.
Therefore, we cannot take any responsibility for the actuality,
correctness, completeness or quality of the information that are
provided there. Against this background, we hereby distance ourselves
from all contents of these sites. This declaration applies to all
external links contained in our sites and their contents.

Copyright 2019 arias gmbh. All rights
reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound files, video files, animation
files and their arrangements are all subject to copyright and other
intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for
commercial use or distribution nor may these objects be modified or
used on other sites. Some arias web sites also contain images that are
subject to the copyright rights of their providers.

Licence rights: 
The arias gmbh would like to offer
you an innovative and informative internet presence. Therefore, we hope
that you enjoy our creative design as much as we do. Yet, we ask for
your understanding that arias gmbh has to protect its intellectual
property including patents, trade marks and copyrights and that these
internet sites cannot grant any licence rights on the intellectual
property of arias gmbh.

Design und Technical Development:
TREIBSTOFF agentur für marketing und mediendesign gmbh
Hinsbecker Löh 10 |
45257 Essen
Tel.: +49 (0)201.85 89 93 0 0
Fax: +49 (0)201.85 89 93 22
Internet: https://www.agentur-treibstoff.de/
E-Mail: info(at)agentur-treibstoff.de

Hosting by:
ALL-INKL.COM – Neue Medien Münnich
Hauptstraße 68
02742 Friedersdorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 35872 353-10
Fax: +49 (0) 35872 353-30
Internet: https://all-inkl.com
E-Mail: info(at)all-inkl.com