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Electroplating and electroless plating processes take a bright field inside the micro- and nanotechnology.
The process- and marginal conditions are similar to those of wet processing. Additionally to theses current flow and voltage as well as the contacting of the substrates are important for the processes.
By these facts it is obvious that electroplating processes are also a part of our delivery range.

The development of such electroplating systems mostly are done in a close coordination with our customers. The design will be customized according the individual requirements. So often a directed flow, a circulation and filtration of medium make sense. The concentration of medium is another important parameter for the homogeneity of coating.

The design and manufacturing of single and multiple substrate holders are also provided by us. Hereby our focus is the minimized exclusion by holding and contacting the substrate.

A continues quality control of our production guarantees well engineered designs and reliable processes. Furthermore our long experience enables us also to develop new processes together with our customers.